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Entries Tagged as 'LANG'

Brian Goff: 1974-2019

April 25th, 2019 · 5 Comments · Football, LANG, London, NFL, Sports Journalism, The Sun

The last time I spoke with Brian Goff, I was a little annoyed with him, or so I thought. Really, I was annoyed with myself. See, Brian Goff did not annoy people. He was polite to the nth degree and seemed to have no enthusiasm for drama in the workplace. Or raised voices, for that […]



Ten Years of Blogging at

March 10th, 2018 · 5 Comments · Abu Dhabi, Beijing Olympics, France, Hong Kong, Journalism, LANG, Newspapers, Olympics, Paris, Sports Journalism, The National, The Sun, UAE

This blog commenced on March 10, 2008. Ten years ago today. It was four days after I had been fired by the Los Angeles News Group, and I wanted to let co-workers and other journalists know what had happened, with as many specifics as I could recall pertaining to the (then mostly novel) concept of […]



See if This Makes Sense

September 24th, 2010 · No Comments · bacon, Beijing Olympics, Clippers, Drugs, Hong Kong, Landon Donovan, LANG, Long Beach, Motor racing, Olympics, Seasons in The Sun, The Sun, Vancouver Olympics

I was thinking about the Beijing Olympics, and realized that the U.S. men’s basketball team had zero Clippers on it. But then, neither did the Vancouver Olympics. Have any Clippers on the U.S. team. Though clipper ships presumably sailed to Vancouver, but not Beijing, it being too far from the ocean. Hong Kong? Sure. But […]



The Rise of the Timid Print Journalist

May 3rd, 2009 · 1 Comment · LANG, Newspapers, Sports Journalism, The Sun

The meltdown in print journalism has produced an unfortunate side-effect: Diminished newsrooms largely populated by timid journalists. They might not be timid with sources. (Though I have to wonder.) What I am fairly certain of is that the print survivors are scared stiff of their managers, and what I believe was the healthy skepticism and […]



Don’t Try This at Home

February 9th, 2009 · 2 Comments · LANG, Sports Journalism

A former colleague of mine, recently laid off but, thankfully, just now back in journalism … has what I consider to be a great idea for a murder-mystery novel. I’m going to put the idea up here so that if/when someone else does it, my colleague and I and everyone who has read this entry […]



Print Boomers: Reaching the Top, Seeing the Bottom

January 24th, 2009 · 4 Comments · LANG, Sports Journalism

I may have written about this before. I don’t recall, and I’m not going to search my own site, because I feel like writing about it again. Or anew. Or with more emphasis. The latest round of print journalism layoffs prompted more thinking, and reminiscing, and I Came to A Conclusion that may not be […]



More Random Hong Kong Observations

January 17th, 2009 · No Comments · Hong Kong, LANG

Again, I reserve the right to come back and write about any one of these items at greater length. –They should consider a law here on “hands free” walking. At least once a day I almost crash into someone meandering/veering down the street while fiddling with their BlackBerry, or while texting someone, while playing a […]



L.A. News Group Fires Columnist Steve Dilbeck

January 8th, 2009 · 28 Comments · LANG, Sports Journalism, The Sun

Just heard this from the man himself. He was responding to my note wishing him good luck, because there were rumors around … But it was too late, he wrote back to me in a short note. Steve got a call last night from people in the L.A. Daily News office. He is out, and […]



More Carnage in the L.A. News Group

January 8th, 2009 · 3 Comments · LANG, Sports Journalism, The Sun

I’m not sure how many employees at what used to be the San Bernardino Sun-Ontario Bulletin-San Gabriel Valley Tribune were fired today, but it was more than one and … more than 10, even? A couple of things: 1. One of those fired was my friend and former colleague Doug Padilla. I can’t imagine Doug […]



Hey, 2008 Wasn’t That Bad …

December 31st, 2008 · 8 Comments · Basketball, Beijing Olympics, Hong Kong, Lakers, LANG, Olympics, Sports Journalism, The Sun

If I’m picking up on this correctly, from the other side of the ocean, 2008 can’t be over fast enough for a lot (most all?) of people. “People” meaning Americans. Or at least English-speakers. Like, everyone is all fixated on this “economy” thing … Letting it get them down. Hey, 2008 wasn’t that bad. Take […]

