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Entries Tagged as 'Road trip'

A Bigger Continent Than We Thought

June 28th, 2020 · No Comments · France, Germany, Road trip

It is not unusual for Americans to look at a global map and say, “Gee, Europe isn’t all that big, considering how often we talk about it.” By U.S. standards, Europe is semi-dinky, especially if you don’t include the European half of Russia in the Euro lineup. The U.S. is a bit shy of 10 […]



Today’s List: My 10 Favorite Road Trips

May 17th, 2019 · No Comments · Angels, Baseball, Beijing Olympics, Budapest, College football, Drugs, Football, Italy, Landon Donovan, Lists, London 2012, Los Angeles Rams, Olympics, Rams, Road trip, Rome, soccer, Travel, UAE, USC

Been donkey’s years, as the Brits would say, since I did a list. It’s time. This one is going to be a little apples-and-oranges. My favorite road trips as a professional sports journalist. Some considerations: –What is more important? The travel? Or the event I was there to cover? –Or will we almost certainly get […]



The ‘Olympic Express’ and the Sarajevo 1984 Travel Nightmare

July 14th, 2017 · No Comments · Olympics, Road trip

I survived some ridiculous road trips as a professional journalist but nearly all of them were my own damn fault. The Saturday night/Sunday morning back-to-back football road games. (Tempe to Minneapolis by way of Dallas; Tuscaloosa to Houston by way of Atlanta.) Doable. Just. The 730-mile early January drive from San Bernardino to Grand Junction, […]



Futbol Diaries, Part 7: Mexico Sends a Message

June 16th, 2017 · No Comments · Football, Road trip, soccer, World Cup

After the road trip came the game, the reason former colleague Damian Secore and I drove a rented Chevrolet Chevy to the Mexican capital for a 2006 World Cup qualifying match. Anyone who is a soccer fan should see a game in Azteca Stadium, if they get the chance. I have been there three times, […]



Futbal Diaries, Part 6: Arrival in Mexico City

June 15th, 2017 · No Comments · Football, Road trip, soccer, Sports Journalism, World Cup

I am perversely proud of driving from Tijuana to Mexico City for the 2006 World Cup qualifying match of March 2005, at the Estadio Azteca. The report, below, recounts the final leg — from Guadalajara to the distrito federale. As it turned out, co-pilot Damian Secore and I encountered just about zero problems across a […]



Futbol Diaries, Part 5: Mexico Seeks ‘Total Destruction’

June 14th, 2017 · No Comments · Football, Road trip, soccer, Sports Journalism, World Cup

Another installment in the 2005 Tijuana-to-Mexico City road trip report on a 2006 World Cup qualifying match pitting the United States against Mexico. I had forgotten about spending time, the previous night, in steamy San Blas watching the festivities for Holy Week. It was Mexico at its most festive and friendly. The 425 miles to […]



Futbol Diaries, Part 4: Into the Jungle

June 13th, 2017 · No Comments · Football, Road trip, soccer, Sports Journalism, World Cup

This was one of the more interesting legs of the 2005 road trip across Mexico to see the United States’ World Cup qualifier at Estadio Azteca. We had seen the map, and we knew we were leaving the desert, but we did not fully anticipate the massive shift in climates, once we entered Nayarit state. […]



Super-Sized Road Trip: Postscript

February 4th, 2017 · No Comments · Football, NFL, Road trip, Sports Journalism

Over the previous seven days I posted a preview and six on-the-road reports from a 2,431-mile drive across the continent on Interstate 10, from Ontario to Jacksonville, site of the 2005 Super Bowl. Some thoughts, after retyping on this blog those newspaper submissions from 12 years ago. –We did another drive on Saturday, the day […]



Super-Sized Road Trip: Leg 6 to Jacksonville

February 3rd, 2017 · No Comments · Football, NFL, Road trip, Sports Journalism

Day 7 of the series and Leg 6 of the Interstate 10 road trip to the 2005 Super Bowl, 163 miles from Tallahassee, Fla., to Jacksonville — part of the 2,431 miles across Interstate 10 from Ontario, Calif., to Jacksonville. From February 5, 2005 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — We knew we had arrived when we whizzed […]



Super-Sized Road Trip: Leg 5 to Tallahassee

February 2nd, 2017 · No Comments · Football, NFL, Road trip, Sports Journalism

Day 6 of the series and Leg 5 of the Interstate 10 road trip to 2005 Super Bowl, 383 miles from New Orleans to Tallahassee, Fla., part of the 2,431 miles across Interstate 10 from Ontario, Calif., to Jacksonville, Fla. From February 4, 2005 TALLAHASSEE, Florida — We Left Coast natives tend to view Florida […]

