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Today’s List: Ten Signs You’re Old

November 4th, 2013 · 1 Comment · Lists

My age cohort comes from a generation of Americans that prefers to believe it will never be old. Certainly, it was a Baby Boomer who first uttered the infamous, “50 is the new 40” … and other riffs on that theme.

And maybe, collectively, Baby Boomers will last longer and enjoy good health longer than did their recent ancestors.

But old is old, and eventually you have to accept it. Or at least try.

Ten signs that old is more than just a state of mind:

1. Your childhood sports heroes are mostly dead.

2. You finally accept you’re never going to be in better physical condition than you were, oh, 30 years ago.

3. At least once a day you enter a room and try to remember why you are there.

4. In your lifetime, cigarette smoking was cool and tattoos were not.

5. You watch “Mad Men” and realize it’s the cultural history of your childhood.

6. As a kid, you didn’t know anyone with a peanut or gluten allergy.

7. When John Kennedy was shot, you remember where you were. And not in utero.

8. You no longer carry a comb.

9. You understand what your grandmother was thinking when, at Disneyland, she said she would just sit for a bit.

10. You find yourself sighing, shrugging and muttering, “Kids these days …”


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