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U.S. Women Win World Cup. What Now?

July 8th, 2019 · No Comments · soccer, World Cup

Demonstrating global superiority has been the straight-forward bit for the U.S. women’s national team. The Fifa Women’s World Cup has been contested eight times since its founding in 1991, and the Yanks have won four of those tournaments, including the past two, now that a 2-0 conquest of The Netherlands can be added to the […]



Yanks Renew Rivalry 1.0 with England

July 2nd, 2019 · No Comments · Uncategorized

For a century, it’s been “the special relationship” pretty much nonstop. Great Britain and the United States, the Two Great English-Speaking Allies on opposite shores of the Atlantic Ocean. We helped the Brits avoid German domination in the 20th century. Twice. In return, they threw in with the Yanks on the succession of small wars […]



Back to the World Cup

June 25th, 2019 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

I like the Fifa Women’s World Cup. It’s global. It can be exotic. The women attract a more PG-rated crowd than do the men. It provides three weeks or more of running narrative and it fills a bit of a void during the potentially slow soccer summer season. I covered four men’s World Cups, and […]

