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Is That a Monkey in Your Pants or …

September 10th, 2012 · No Comments · Abu Dhabi, Drugs, The National, UAE

Supply your own punchline.

One might be … “or are you just excited to be headed to Dubai?”

Another wacky story out of our neck of the woods. And here it is, in the pages of The National: A man was arrested in New Delhi just ahead of boarding a flight headed for the UAE.

With a monkey in his pants.

In a way, it sounds ever sillier in British English.

Brit-English produced the headline on the website: “Dubai-bound passenger caught in India smuggling monkey in trousers.”

Trousers! A comedy word, in North America. But, then, “pants” is what the Brits call underwear, and American usage of “pants” just slays them. So, laughs all around.

And did I mention the trouser monkey, at 17 centimeters, was just shy of seven inches in length?


Back to the unfortunate monkey. A loris monkey from southern Asia, and it may have been intended for someone in the UAE, but Dubai is a place where a lot of people change planes for another journey.

From the wiki page, we can see that the loris is quite cute, which might explain why it was being smuggled. It has the enormous eyes of a lemur but, scientists assure us, is a monkey.

Bringing endangered animals into the country is an unfortunate reality, here in the UAE, and The National recently did this story, reminding readers that “Endangered exotic animals are not your pets.” In that story is a fascinating video about moving white tigers, which sometimes end up in someone’s personal zoo.

Again, back to the monkey. An interesting note in the lengthy wiki page: The loris has “a toxic bite, a rare trait among mammals.”

Whoa. I wonder if the smugglers knew that.

Would give a guy second thoughts, before sticking that toxic-bite monkey in his pants.


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