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‘Following a Golf Ball or Keeping the Peace’

January 26th, 2018 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

No, not about a domestic dispute over a husband taking an afternoon to play a round at the country club.

The title, above, are words from a famous Firestone tires jingle from 1963.

One that was so compelling to a kid in fourth grade that more than a half-century later he can remember the whole of the tune and most of the words in what had to be one of the most effective TV commercials of its era.

Have a look/listen.

The 1960s was an era of jingles. Most TV shows had a theme song, and some of them set up the premise of the show, for those unaware of it. (Think: Gilligan’s Island.)

The beauty of the Firestone ad was that it had all fronts covered.

(Though, we should note, the company took a full minute with its commercial.)

You’ve got a catchy tune, clever lyrics, a singer with a fine voice and Firestone tires being used in all sorts of vehicles — from a kid’s tricycle to a hook-and-ladder fire engine and missile carrier.

(Did Firestone really make trike tires?)

It was effective enough that it imprinted itself on my brain. All these years later I can quote swaths of lyrics.

“Wherever wheels are turning, no matter what the load

“The name that’s known is Firestone

“Where the rubber meets the road.”

(Did Firestone make up that saying — “where the rubber meets the road”? It must be older than 1963, right?)

I’ve been humming the Firestone song for a couple of days.

“From moving mountains to stalking geese, following a golf ball or keeping the peace …”

While poking around, I came across a Firestone ad from 1971 … and it is forgettable. Totally. I have zero recollection of it.

Musical advertisements … when you have a successful one on your hands, it can become part of water-cooler chatter and help create brand loyalty. When you have a boring one … well, it just disappears.




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